Author: charlotte meletli
1rst live meeting for EQUITY !
On the 4th of October 2021, the Mexpert team went to the first live meeting for Equity project. It is one of our new projects and we are pretty excited about this one. Equity is to give a chance to everybody, students, adults, migrants, trainers and educate them on what they need. To help them…
Partners meeting : FLAVIE
On the 29 September 2021 the Mobilizing Expertise team went to Palermo for the Flavie project. The aim of this project is fighting against gender violence. When you read this, you think, of course about violence against women but it can also be violence against men. We start this project with a presentation of all…
First workshop for Stress-NPAD
On the 23rd of September 2021 we went to Daugavpils for a project about woman’s stress. Being a working mom, especially during the covid-19 period is extremely complicated. People expect you to work more even after the regular working hours. A woman is expected to take care of her home (cleaning, cooking) and take care…
New team member: Mathieu from France !
My name is Mathieu and I come from Paimpol, a little port in France. I am 29 years old and decided a bit more than one year ago to change my field of works, from Literature to Web Development. After a brief formation I was looking for an internship and I thought an experience abroad…
How to create an Open Café?
How to create your own Open Café ? The handbook is ready ! Find inspiration and methods here : #handbook #guidebook #opencafe #LanguageCafe #englishspeaking
Open Café 12/10/2021
Hey ! This week the subject was hobbies ! 🎾 We talk about our hobbies : everything from sports to music, via movies and books 🪀 We also shared about our countries, how hobbies are perceived in different part of the world 🌍 And we ended this with a little general knowledge quiz about sports,…
Resilience project : What’s new ?
Mobilizing expertise participated in two more online presentations in our resilience project. We met and presented places that have aspects of resilience or represents resilience within our communities and the World. The Resilience website, Facebook page and blogs have bee updated and the project will finally meet face to face in Italy and Greece in…
Spatial Footprints : 5 ways of taking pictures
Mexpert’s internship programme: Maëlle at Caprifolen
A quick and eagerly awaited start ! I am in Sweden for 4 months ! Hello you, I hope you are well ! I’m glad to know that you will surely follow my adventures during this 4 months stay. So I knew I was going to Sweden only one month before I should go. As…
New team member : Clarisse from France !