Author: charlotte meletli

  • Newsletter 2 – Falvie Project

    Newsletter 2 – Falvie Project

    Hi Readers, Here a newsletter 2 about the  retrospective of a topic discussed during the Flavie project in Spain. ATENPRO – Care and Protection Service for female victims of gender-based violence Click here

  • Stress NPAD – Training Iceland

    Stress NPAD – Training Iceland

    On the cadre of the ”Stress NPAD” project, a meeting was held in Iceland during 3 days with all the partners: Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Sweden, Iceland. The Icelandic seminar will focus on three topics in order to achieve the main goal of the STRESS project, which is to: organize international trainings about active methods to…

  • Mexpert’s internship programme

    Mexpert’s internship programme

    Hello everyone, I’m Simona, and I’m 18. I’m Bulgarian, but I have lived in Italy for 11 years in a small town near Venice. I have been waiting for the projector Erasmus+ for four years. I think it is an opportunity to give me work and education skills. It can also allow me to know…

  • Equity


    On the cadre of the “EQUITY” project, we welcomed our partners for a meeting for two days from 2nd to 3rd June in Lund. The first day began with the presentation of the two-day meeting with our partner Sven in charge of the coordination. Then the discussion started when project partners presented their revised versions…

  • Newsletter – Flavie project

    Newsletter – Flavie project

    Flavie Project Hello readers, During three days, the “Flavie Project” was held in Orihuela, a little city in the east of Spain, with our Spanish, Italian, Turkish and French partners. MEXPERT is delighted to share Flavie newsletter! Click here

  • IDE Project

    IDE Project

    On the cadre of the “IDE 3.0” project, a meeting was held in Örkelljunga, a little village in the south of Sweden, for one week from 16 to 20th May, with the various partners working on this subject. The week began on Monday evening with a presentation of different attendees through a playful game that…

  • Colibri Birds

    Colibri Birds

    On the cadre of the “Colibri Birds” project, we welcomed our partners for meeting on Tuesday 10 May in Lund, to discuss and continue planning the progress of the project concerning the IO1: “Second chance” for Empowering Capability of Women Training Module. The day began at 10h30 with typical Fika, and general evaluation with all…

  • Newsletter – Bicycle Day

    Newsletter – Bicycle Day

    What you’re about to read can turn what might be the most boring part of your workday into one of the better parts of your work week. Here it is: get out of your vehicle and the annoying traffic and onto a bicycle. The bicycle is the simplest means of transport, but its use has numerous…

  • LTTA in Turin – Newsletter

    LTTA in Turin – Newsletter

    Resilience Break through Resilience project is about giving and reflecting the tools that enable people, places & communities to be more resilient. Not just to bounce back but to break through whatever diversities that arise. There are two main goals of this project Adult Education Social Inclusion This project aims to explore the connection between…



    EMIRE – Support the creation of a female professional identity through empowerment of migrant or refugee women Testimonial : Being part of this 5-days journey in Perugia is one of my highlights in this year so far. With Mobilizing Expertise on my side it was fast organized. I could get to know the team in…