Author: charlotte meletli

  • Let’s talk about VR with Jaime Lugo

    Let’s talk about VR with Jaime Lugo

    The Interview with Jaime Lugo In partnership  with 2 vip our project stems from the conviction that the participation of young Europeans in democratic life is an essential value. And  uses virtual reality and traditional video to actively engage young people. Mexpert is pleased to present our interview with Jaime Lugo, a new technology enthusiast…

  • Let’s introduce Francesco !

    Let’s introduce Francesco !

    Hey! I’m Francesco, I just joined Mobilizing Expertise as an intern for a few months! I am 21 year’s old guy from Italy, and I have been living in Sweden for almost a year now. I’m a student at Malmö University in the faculty of European Studies. I’m in my second year and I am…

  • New Intern : Malorie !

    New Intern : Malorie !

    Hi! My name is Malorie, I’m twenty four and I was born in the south of France in Narbonne. During my studies I learned about graphic design, web design, communication, but most of my studies were centered around video making. I finished my studies a year ago, and because of the pandemic, I felt very…

  • Azucena Journey !

    Azucena Journey !

    God morgon! My name is Azucena and I am a spanish girl who wants to live an adventure. This is my first time living alone and I decided to do it in the other opposite part of Europe, in Sweden. Why Sweden? I chose this country because it has beautiful natural landscapes and it is…

  • Erasmus Friendship-Internship

    Erasmus Friendship-Internship

    Today we are back with four other testimonies in one ! It is almost the end of the internship for our four dear spanish and we hope you’ll appreciate their point of view as much as we did. “Since we have arrived in Sweden and since the first day we went to Stenkrossen we felt…

  • Internship from Spain to Sweden !

    Internship from Spain to Sweden !

    Hello, here is the testimony of Gonzalo about his internship in Sweden. Hope you will enjoy it ! “My name is Gonzalo. I am from Spain, although, I have travelled and lived in a few countries. Before this, I lived in Dublin for 3 years and in Brisbane (Australia) for 1 year. It was after…

  • FinanzFit Magazine

    FinanzFit Magazine

    Hey there ! Let’s talk about one of our project !👋 Finanzfit is an Erasmus+ project co-funded by the European Union to help people with migrant backgrounds understand economic and financial issues within Europe. The project consists of eight partners from Germany, Sweden, Italy, Greece, Austria, and Turkey. Within this project, all partners had a…

  • Open Café 11/02

    Open Café 11/02

    Hej everyone! This week’s theme was music 👩‍🎤 Everybody that came was very excited about the idea of sharing their favorite kind of music with everybody 🎸 Something that became very apparent was that music is a formidable method for bringing people out of their shells, and comfort zones, people were even excited to share…

  • Partners meeting for The ArThee

    Partners meeting for The ArThee

    On the 8th of October we went to Sassari for the TheArThee project. This project is about helping people to feel integrated through theatre. The project started in 2020 and now it is almost done. During our meeting we discussed about the future handbook we going to write (which you will be able to find…

  • Introduction of our new internship group

    Introduction of our new internship group

    Mobilizing Expertize, of course hosting interns, but we are also finding the hosting companies for young people who want to work in specific fields. So today we gonna introduce you Sofia, as well as Fiona, Thibault and Pierre who are working in different companies in research, marketing, store management and even within a Brewery! Let’s…