Author: charlotte meletli

  • NEST: what’s new?

    NEST: what’s new?

    Mobilizing Expertise is happy to take part to NEST – New Skills to Enhance Integration of Asylum seekers and Beneficiaries of International Protection, an Erasmus Plus project which aims to foster social and labour inclusion of asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection in EU countries involved in the project (Italy, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden).…

  • Progress of the week: Updates

    Progress of the week: Updates

    Each Thursday is dedicated to Mexpert’s office meeting, an important time used by the team to discuss ongoing projects and activities but also to reflect and bring ideas to reality by brainstorming, trying to create new tools or just update ourselves about what could be developed in the way we work for example. Here was…

  • CSR in Education: TPM 3 (14th-16th October 2020)

    CSR in Education: TPM 3 (14th-16th October 2020)

    The third transnational meeting of the project took place virtually, via Zoom and Mural, from the 14th to the 16th October 2020: what a pleasure to meet again, even if, of course, we would have preferred to see each other in Greece, as it was initially planned.   Here was the program:   Day 1,…

  • Open Café training in Arma Di Taggia 4-9th October 2020

    Open Café training in Arma Di Taggia 4-9th October 2020

    From the 4th to the 9th October 2020, two members of the staff, Ali and Sarah, were in Italy to take part to the third training of the Open Café project, hosted by Young Effect with participants coming from Italy, Sweden and Poland. An international environment which allowed the team to have fruitful discussion and…

  • Take the Leap project: What’s up?

    Take the Leap project: What’s up?

    Have a look at the last newsletter of the project: meetings, intellectual outputs in progress, what is coming next… All the information is there. Swedish version here. Don’t miss anything of the project : Follow the Facebook page and visit the website.

  • Launching of a new KA2 project: FLAVIE

    Launching of a new KA2 project: FLAVIE

    Mobilizing Expertise is happy to announce the launching of a new KA2 project named FLAVIE, which is the acronym for Fighting Loud Against Violence In Europe. It brings together 5 partners from different countries: Tera- Maison de l’Europe de la Charente (France), Faal Dernegi (Turkey), ComeUnaMarea Onlus (Italy), Mujeres por Mujeres (Spain) and Mobilizing Expertise.…

  • What you need to know about the KA3 project EFIVOS

    What you need to know about the KA3 project EFIVOS

    Why EFIVOS? The name EFIVOS, which means “adolescent” in Greek, stands for Encouraging and Fostering Inclusive Values among youth by increasing awareness and enhancing KnOwledge and Skills requirements in a digital era. This acronym has been chosen to highlight who are the main beneficiaries of the activities, as explained previously in the presentation of the…

  • Immijobs explained in a few words…

    Immijobs explained in a few words…

    Mobilizing Expertise takes part to a KA3 project named Immijobs, which aims to increase the labour market integration of newly arrived migrants in sustainable employment positions. More information on the website of the project. Stay tuned and follow the Facebook page!    

  • Nassera’s journey to Sweden: “I’m sure I will never forget what I’m going through now”

    Nassera’s journey to Sweden: “I’m sure I will never forget what I’m going through now”

    Nassera is one of the interns we have placed in Zago, a full-service Shopify Plus agency located in Malmö. She will be working there until the end of the year and will have for sure the opportunity to discover more Sweden and to increase her language skills! Mobilizing Expertise wishes her a successful journey. Hello,…

  • Meet Agnes: “I was very pleasantly surprised by the welcome, the beauty of the country and the peaceful and relaxing way of life”.

    Meet Agnes: “I was very pleasantly surprised by the welcome, the beauty of the country and the peaceful and relaxing way of life”.

    Meet Agnes! One of the interns we have placed in Mittpuntken this year. Agnes will be working with them until December while hoping to develop her English speaking skills she will support their café and their second hand shop. Mittpuntken has its own second-hand shop, café and a workshop place where activities are held from…