Author: charlotte meletli

  • What’s new at Mobilizing Expertise, Sacha?

    What’s new at Mobilizing Expertise, Sacha?

  • International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

    International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

    Today and over the next sixteen days, Mobilizing Expertise is standing for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Until December 10th, the Human Rights Day, we are going to share with you the content provided by the United Nations in order to make you aware of the impact of this societal phenomenon. Emerging data shows…

  • What’s new at Mittpunken association ?

    What’s new at Mittpunken association ?

  • Resilience workshop by the Surefoot effect – 16th November 2020

    Resilience workshop by the Surefoot effect – 16th November 2020

    On the 16th November, Guirlande from Mexpert and other participants from Italy, Scotland and Greece took part to the Resilience programme workshop which was held online and organized by  one of the partner of the Breakthrough for Resilience project, the Surefoot Effect.  Here was the program of the workshop, as if you were almost there,…

  • NEST: First online training 9th- 13th November 2020

    NEST: First online training 9th- 13th November 2020

    This week, from the 9th to 13th 2020, Necmettin, Ali and Guirlande took part to the first training of the NEST project (more information here), organized by Farsi Prossimo, our Italian partner, in collaboration with Teatro Due Mondi. Despite the current worldwide situation, participants joined forces and met online. Many aspects were discussed during these…

  • Lokalt Lund-företag bekämpar våld i Europa

    Lokalt Lund-företag bekämpar våld i Europa

    Socialt mobiliserande expertis har tillsammans med kollegor från hela Europa fått finansiering från EU för att genomföra ett projekt för att bekämpa våld i hemmet. Flyg högt mot våld i Europa. FLAVIE-projektet försöker stoppa den allt mer chockerande statistiken. Flavie, är kombinationen av fem partnergrupperna: Tera – Maison de l’Europe de la Charente i Frankrike, Faal Dernegi i Turkiet, ComeUnaMarea Onlus i Italien och Mujeres por Mujeres i Spanien. Genom att arbeta tillsammans för att dela…

  • Breakthrough for Resilience second Newsletter is available!

    Breakthrough for Resilience second Newsletter is available!

    Don’t miss the latest updates of the Breakthrough for Resilience project, a partnership between UK, Italy, and Sweden, and next steps coming! Second newsletter available here: Breakthrough for Resilience – Second newsletter Website of the project Facebook page Instagram account 

  • Gardeniser plus: connecting community gardens

    Gardeniser plus: connecting community gardens

    On 28th and 30th October, Charlotte from MEXPERT participated in the online Transnational Project meeting on the Gardeniser Plus project. This project will allow 70 individuals to benefit from European “internships” in one of the partner country and work and learn from a community garden in that local reality. MEXPERT, for example will send and…

  • NEST: what’s new?

    NEST: what’s new?

    Mobilizing Expertise is happy to take part to NEST – New Skills to Enhance Integration of Asylum seekers and Beneficiaries of International Protection, an Erasmus Plus project which aims to foster social and labour inclusion of asylum seekers and beneficiaries of international protection in EU countries involved in the project (Italy, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden).…

  • Progress of the week: Updates

    Progress of the week: Updates

    Each Thursday is dedicated to Mexpert’s office meeting, an important time used by the team to discuss ongoing projects and activities but also to reflect and bring ideas to reality by brainstorming, trying to create new tools or just update ourselves about what could be developed in the way we work for example. Here was…