Author: charlotte meletli

  • Youth Work Lock down

    Youth Work Lock down

    Let’s reflect on our experiences so far with youth work under lockdown and the startling change of online and digital youth work. We will learn alongside the young people we work with as our practises and ways of working change but uphold the youth principles and make sure we are keeping young people at the…

  • MEXPERT: Let’s escape into Zoom!

    MEXPERT: Let’s escape into Zoom!

    These days we try a lot of indoor activities, like cooking, baking, board games, electronic games. It’s great to have some time for our creative side and why not try new options for these ideas … Mobilizing Expertise have started online Mafia games, open for all countries. You can join us if you want to…

  • Back to Roots: Toolkit Release

    Back to Roots: Toolkit Release

    Available on the Back to Roots website: Once you’ve checked the Toolkit why not click the link on this evaluation form for the Toolkit. Please ask people in your network to fill it out, it only takes about 5 minutes:

  • Staying strong, stay connected.

    Mobilizing Expertise continues to monitor the latest updates about the global COVID-19 outbreak and are taking actions to safeguard the health of our employees and preserve our ability to operate. We are working from home and would like to thank all our partners and staff for supporting us in this challenging time. Take care and…

  • Take the Leap är ett projekt hos Europeiska kommissionen som finansieras inom ramen för Erasmus + programmet KA2 strategiskt partnerskap för yrkesutbildning och -träning. Det utformades som en hjälp för den uteslutna ungdomen att förvandla sina entreprenörsidéer till verklighet.  Partnerskapet Projektet har ett partnerskap som involverar organisation från fem olika europeiska länder: Diversity Living Services (Storbritannien), projektansökande, Mobilizing Expertise AB, (Sverige), Association for Citizens Tolerance and Cooperation Prilep (Republiken Nord-Makedonien),  NGO Ritineitis (Lettland) och  ss Eprojectconsult – Istituto Europeo di Formazione…

  • What about stereotypes?

    What about stereotypes?

    On the 12th March 2020, we had an Open Café about stereotypes. We wanted to introduce the topic in an informal way, so we decided to ask people to draw on a paper what were stereotypes according to them and then to explain their drawing to the group. It was interesting because we all came…

  • International Women’s Day in MEXPERT: #EachforEqual

    International Women’s Day in MEXPERT: #EachforEqual

      International Women’s Day 2020 In #MobilizingExpertise, we fight for an #Equal #World between #genders and #nonviolence. It’s important to accept everyone and to change our minds, perception and behaviour regarding these issues. You can do the same in your everyday life. Change starts with you. Don’t wait for the right opportunity. Create it! #IWD2020 #EachforEqual

  • On your marks, get set… Draw!

    On your marks, get set… Draw!

    New week, new open café! On the 5th March 2020, we organized a Pictionary at the Rönnen accommodation. We divided people in two teams and every round, one person from each team had to pick a word in a bowl (from simple to difficult) and draw the same word at the same time. The rest…

  • “Time to show your actor’s skills to the world” day

    “Time to show your actor’s skills to the world” day

    On the 27th February 2020, some residents from Rönnen International Accommodation joined our werewolf day. Most of them already knew how to play to this social deduction game. Indeed, throughout the game you need to use strategy and act according to your role, which can be either werewolf, witch, hunter, cupid, seer or simple farmer.…

  • Let’s talk about music!

    Let’s talk about music!

    Let’s talk about music! The first open café that was launched at the Rönnen residence in Malmö on the 20th February 2020 was about music. We started introducing ourselves by telling our name, the country we come from and our favorite music, which gave us the opportunity to discover new artists and songs that we…