Author: charlotte meletli

  • Blogpost – Immijobs online workshop on 17th of May

    Blogpost – Immijobs online workshop on 17th of May

    Immijobs project is set to increase social inclusion and labour market integration of newly arrived migrants and refugees in sustainable employment positions. Thus, the long- term impact of the project is the sustainable involvement of intermediary organisations in supporting labour market integration for third country nationals. There are four partners in this project: Sweden, Greece,…

  • Simply Included – let’s watch the videos from Turkey

    Simply Included – let’s watch the videos from Turkey

    🌈 #erasmusplus Simply Included project 🌈 🇹🇷 This week let’s watch the Turkey’s one and meet Cemil 👉🏼 Thanks to this #teamwork we have been able to produce these videos and animations to bring you inspiring stories of integration across #Europe🌍 #culturalexchange #integration#immigrant #refugee #socialinclusion#inclusion #international #EU

  • CSR


    🌍 CSR in Education 🌍 #ErasmusPlus The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project held a three-day Transnational project meeting starting on May 5th,2021 will all partners from #France, #Sweden, #Romania, #Bulgaria, #Italy, and #Greece.  🇸🇪 🇫🇷 🇧🇬 🇮🇹 🇬🇷 During the first day of the project all partners discussed the project budget, intellectual output 2 &…

  • Nord Tour Net (3/3) – Learn Swedish Culture Yvonne Gossner

    Nord Tour Net (3/3) – Learn Swedish Culture Yvonne Gossner

    Our third interview was with the owner of Learn Swedish Culture Yvonne Gossner who promotes Swedish Culture to Foreigners, Companies and embassies. The unique idea behind promoting Swedish culture is that Yvonne believes culture is a vital part of mankind and its significance must be made known to people in the world. Meanwhile, her work…

  • Open Café – 19/05/21

    Open Café – 19/05/21

    ☕️ Open Café This Wednesday, Open cafe was about emotional intelligence! Thanks to all our participants from Portugal, Sweden, Japan, Indonesia, Turkey and France. 🇵🇹🇸🇪🇯🇵🇮🇩🇹🇷🇫🇷 🎮 After a funny kahoot about facial expressions, we started to wonder who is emotionally intelligent and who is not, and why. It was very interesting to discuss different opinions…

  • Simply Included – let’s watch the videos from Slovenia !

    Simply Included – let’s watch the videos from Slovenia !

    #erasmusplus Simply Included project  This week let’s watch the Slovenia’s one Thanks to this #teamwork we have been able to produce these videos and animations to bring you inspiring stories of integration across #Europe🌍 #culturalexchange #integration #immigrant #refugee #socialinclusion #inclusion #international #EU

  • Nord Tour Net (2/3)

    Nord Tour Net (2/3)

    Our second interview was with the owner of a cosy Bed and Breakfast called B&B Viking which unfortunately due to Covid guidelines has had to close its doors. B&B Viking is located in Säffle which is a great town for persons looking for an adventure or looking to know more about their ancestry in Sweden…

  • Simply Included – let’s watch the videos from Spain !

    Simply Included – let’s watch the videos from Spain !

    #erasmusplus Simply Included project This week let’s watch the Spain’s one Thank you Centro Formativo Otxarkoaga & HETEL – Heziketa Teknikoko Elkartea #culturalexchange #integration #immigrant #refugee #germany #socialinclusion #inclusion #international #EU

  • Open Café – 05/05/21

    Open Café – 05/05/21

    We had another fun Open Café on 05 May 2021 Thanks to all our participants from Turkey, Portugal, France, Japan, Mali and Sweden. We started the discussion of how it was going for everyone and what regulations were in place in each perspective persons country. We then played an informative game of Kahoot on internet…

  • Artic Colors Northern Lights Apartments and restaurant

    Artic Colors Northern Lights Apartments and restaurant

    Mobilizing Expertise has had the pleasure of working on the Nord + project NordTourNet 3 which aims to Solve and highlight problems between the different generations within the Labour Force. Mobilizing expertise has interviewed three family-owned business that are within the tourist sector.   Our first interview was with the owner of the Artic Colors…