Author: charlotte meletli
Mexpert’s internship programme: Lucia from Italy
Mexpert’s internship programme: Luca from Italy
New EFIVOS session with Inercia Digital!
Efivos project Yesterday we had the pleasure, once again, to meet all for a new session with Inercia Digital about the digital tool : Youtube!
Mexpert’s internship programme: Aurora from Italy
My Soft City : First partner meeting
EFIVOS – workshop 7: WordPress with Inercia Digitale
✏️ Efivos 📰 🔹Week 7 🔹 Our 7th session took place last Wednesday and was led by Inercia Digital ! “On the 25th of August 2021 I attended my first EFIVOS Workshop. A teacher from Spain explained to us how to create a blog. It was very interesting because I learned new…
NEST – Newsletter
Our first session of the summer took place last Tuesday !
We had our first Open café after the summer holidays yesterday 17/08/21 and we discussed traveling since some of us would have travelled over the summer. It was very interesting to discuss where we travelled what places are great places to travel and not so good places to travel as well as what we like…
3 months in Sweden – By Louis
My name is Louis, I am 33 and I come from Corsica, France I left my hot island this summer to come to Malmö for 3 months to experience cool weather. I arrived the 8th of July and will stay until 6th of October. I am born in Mediterranean, but I hate hard sun. I…
TheArThee project – A special experience for me!
Hey! I am Lidia Ichim from Romania. I’m 24 years old and I graduated Social work at University of Petrosani in Romania. I applied for Erasmus+ 2 years ago and now I am in Sweden, living here and had this great opportunity being part of an amazing project in Varna, Bulgaria. This project was the…