Author: charlotte meletli
SITID: OPEN CAFE – life experiences
An open cafe where individuals discussed about their own personal life experiences On 9th July, we opened up and got personal in the SITID: Social Integration Through Informal Dialogue project. We created an open space for individuals to discuss together their life experiences and personal stories to express how that has shaped them as an…
SITID: OPEN CAFE – Disabilities
On 2nd July, we had OPEN CAFE helping members reflect on their perceptions of disabilities and gain increased understanding. First we completed a challenging discussion task and related to the experience, frustrations and feelings that those with disabilities often face daily. We spoke and learnt about disabilities and revisited our initial perceptions to see if…
SITID:Open Cafe Intercultural vs. Multicultural and Discrimination with NETNET
On 18th June 2019, Mobilizing Expertise hosted the next OPEN CAFE. This time we were talking all things intercultural vs. multicultural. Do you know what those words mean and what is the difference? Well, during the OPEN CAFE we had some in-depth discussions about both these concepts and how our understanding can affect different groups…
SITID: Open Cafe – Integration and migration of refugees
OPEN CAFE is back for more weeks – 11th June 2019 and 13th June 2019 This weeks we were first discussed integration! The group was mixed with refugees, immigrants and local Swedish young people. It was a perfect opportunity to discuss integration and what integration means to each of them. The leader of the OPEN…
SITID: OPEN CAFE – EVS and Volunteering
At the end of May, MEXPERT hosted the OPEN CAFE with the topic of EVS and Volunteering. MEXPERT invited local EVS volunteers to the Open Cafe so they could have credible and real first hand experiences of the EVS experiences. MEXPERT connected also with local NGOs which are volunteer based. These participants shared how volunteering…
SITID: Open Cafe – History
Let’s take a look back at the past As part of the OPEN CAFE, on 21st May MEXPERT hosted an open cafe on “Why young adults are unlikely to engage with history” Is it a lack of effective education in history? An unwillingness to learn more about the places that shaped their national identity? The…
A new activity has come to MEXPERT! OPEN Cafe is an activity created as an output for the Social Integration Through Informal Dialogue project and funded by Erasmus Plus. On 14th May, MEXPERT hosted is first Open Cafe on the subject of Sports, in Örkelljunga. The Open Cafe was organised by MEXPERT volunteers and staff.…
StoryDec Project
The Storytelling to Develop Civic Competences in Young People, Erasmus Plus – Strategic Partnership – Youth Project started on 5-6 April 2019 The StoryDec project aims to create innovative paths of civic education through non-formal education paths based on autobiographical and digital storytelling methodologies. Organizations: CEMEA – ITALY (coordinator) STOP – Stowarzyszenie Trenerow Organizacji Pozarzadowych…