Author: charlotte meletli

  • Mexpert’s team welcomes new interns!

    Mexpert’s team welcomes new interns!

    Today we were happy to have our first meeting with new interns from France: Guirlande, Memouna and Sacha, who will be a part of the team for the next three months and contribute to some of our KA2 projects. It was a good opportunity to present the team and the work we do, and a…

  • Future Target: Comic Strip available!

    Future Target: Comic Strip available!

    Mobilizing Expertise is a part of the Future Target project (more information here) and is happy to share with you this inspiring work from our Italian partner, Youth Europe Service. The story stands between fiction and reality and deals with current issues through a dialogue between a young boy and his grandfather. It also questions…

  • Immigrant friendly cities’ online platform

    Immigrant friendly cities’ online platform

    “Learning never exhausts the mind…” Mobilizing Expertise is proud to share the online platform of the Immigrant Friendly Cities project with you. You will find different modules to increase your knowledge and develop your skills about the following topics: Time and conflict management, digital learning, developing tolerance to racial/ethnic and minority groups, communication and promotion…

  • Take the leap project: The startup guide for young entrepreneurs in Sweden is online!

    Take the leap project: The startup guide for young entrepreneurs in Sweden is online!

    “The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.”  Maybe can we include having the right information in order to be well-prepared. Growing a business is a great professional and…

  • “Online learning is not the next big thing, it is the now big thing.” Art Urban Regen- Available online courses

    “Online learning is not the next big thing, it is the now big thing.” Art Urban Regen- Available online courses

    About Art Urban Regen: This Erasmus Plus project aims to develop urban regeneration and artistic entrepreneurial skills for adults in need of qualification. Do you want to develop entrepreneurship with an artist’s perspective? Don’t wait and register to have access to the Art Urban E-learning platform. All the content of the training package is available…

  • Welcome Sarah

    Welcome Sarah

    We are very pleased to announce that our team is growing. We are delighted to welcome Sarah to the Mexpert team. After a successful internship, Sarah is now a key member of our team!  Sarah will work closely with our international projects; creating, travelling and researching. Sarah will help us to carry out our continued…

  • SELF MATE events in Ankara : July-August 2020

    SELF MATE events in Ankara : July-August 2020

    “An investment in knowledge pays the best interests” From the 22nd to the 23rd July 2020, Mobilizing Expertise took part and supported the Self Mate local training organised by our Turkish partner, Faal Dernegi, in Ankara. The multiplier event occured a few days later, on the 7th August 2020. It was a good opportunity to…

  • “Travel leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” AMICI project updates

    “Travel leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller.” AMICI project updates

    AMICI, Autobiographical Method for Migrants’ and Minorities Inclusion in Communities They are Living In. Work in progress: Time for interviews! Mobilizing Expertise and all the partners of the project are currently interviewing people who started a new life abroad to know more about their story. This is a topic our team can definitely identify with,…

  • NEST PROJECT: updates

    NEST PROJECT: updates

    We had our online meeting with our partners on the 30th July which was a good opportunity to update each other and to monitor what is planned next. *COMING SOON* Our Guidelines on integration policies and services in partners countries is in progress and will be published soon! For more information about the project, please…

  • New beginnings…

    New beginnings…