Author: charlotte meletli
My Soft City: from Flâneur to Entrepreneur
Hello Folks! In the beginning of March, we took part in a 3-day gamification training for the project “My Soft City” that was held by our Portuguese partners in Madeira. This comes after the meeting held in Nîmes (France) that focused on how to illustration; and in Madeira the participants were given the opportunity to…
Todays main discussions are on young people, financial education and digital inclusion. Therefore, we are beginning to work on a new project called FLY (financial literacy for youth) with Consorzio abn, Italian lead partner of the project, Asociata Monomyths, Xano Chanel, and Asset Technology. It is a two-year project funded by the European Commission through…
Future target newsletter
The countries from which Future Target´s partners have numerous arrivals of refugees and migrants across the globe. The project seeks to improve the present knowledge and the capacity to react locally and nationally. Due to this, partners organize training, workshops and meetings to fulfill the requirement of the project outputs. MEXPERT is delighted to share…
MEXPERT Internship Programme: Meet Malou
Hello, I’m Malou, I’m 21 and I am From Brittany, in France. I’m in Lund for 3 months thanks to Erasmus + with the aim of improving my English and discovering a new culture, new people, new way of work… After more than a month spent in Lund, I can say that this city charmed…
New Project Fly
New Project FLY (Financial Literacy for Youth) is a two-year project funded by the European Commission through the Italian National Agency for Youth (ANG Italia). The project deals with the topic of financial literacy of young people and is implemented through a partnership with organizations from five EU countries: Italy, Romania, Spain, Greece, and Sweden.…
IWD2022: Mothers, founders and managers
It’s been a while since i’ve written a blog post but I thought International Women’s Day was my day to start again! We are continuing to work and inspire our members to support women’s issues here in Sweden. International Women’s Day is one of the opportunities we take advanced of throughout the year. We want…
InterAct second TPM
The second transnational meeting of the InterAct project was held in Groningen, the Netherlands, to evaluate the project’s progress so far. It was a two-day meeting. The first day of the meeting was an excited one, with all partners present both face-to-face and virtual. The meeting started with administrative tasks, financial aspects, and reporting. Intellectual…
Stress NPAD newsletter
Meet Gabrielle !
Hi everyone, to day we present you Gabrielle ! “Hello, I’m Gabrielle, a French girl who dreams about traveling and discover new culture. I’m in Erasmus+ program in Lund, in Sweden. A very cozy city with beautiful landscapes and buildings, making a warm atmosphere. My internship developed in Erikshjalpen second hand, a big shop who…
How to create professional pictures
How to create professional pictures Here is the testimony of our dear Francesco “Last week we participated to the third meeting of the Nord Plus project “Spatial Footprints” for the Promotion of Informal Adults’ Digital Education for Spatial and Sustainable Tourism Development. This meeting took place in Latvia as we had the pleasure of being…