What you need to know about the KA3 project EFIVOS


The name EFIVOS, which means “adolescent” in Greek, stands for Encouraging and Fostering Inclusive Values among youth by increasing awareness and enhancing KnOwledge and Skills requirements in a digital era. This acronym has been chosen to highlight who are the main beneficiaries of the activities, as explained previously in the presentation of the project.

Reminder: One of the goals of the project was to upscale a project called “Young Journalists” which was developed at a local level in Athens, Greece, where teenage refugees, immigrants and Greeks were empowered to run and manage their own printed newspaper called “Migratory Birds”. If you are interested to read it, it is free of charge and available in many languages, including Arabic, Farsi, English, Greek and Urdu and distributed every two months. Click here and here

So what are the news?

All the partners of the project have been working closely despite the pandemic situation and had the opportunity to meet several times online, while wishing to meet in person, when the worldwide situation will be better.

A Methodology has been created, gathering practical guidance for professionals on how they can train young people from disadvantaged groups in digital media, good practices and information from the focus groups lead in partner countries. You will be able to have access to this content soon in the platform www.efivos.eu in all English, Greek, Italian, German, Swedish and Spanish.

The seven partners are currently looking for trainers in their home country for the next online training which will occur in December.. Stay tuned.


Do not forget to follow the Facebook page of the project, regularly updated with the progress and some interesting existing projects dealing with the topic and visit the website!