Project Title: Veritage
Project Acronym: Veritage
Project Code:2018-1-SE01-KA202039148
Start Date: Sept 2017
End Date: Oct 2020
Website :
Project Aim :
The project goal is to approach and explore the cultural heritage topic and one methodology: the integrated teaching and learning one. The aim is to mix them together, fostering a new and crucial topic for VET offered by a new approach, and integrating it into some existing training paths. The project presents a rich series of didactic and educational tools tailored made on VET trainers and learners that we invite you to explore!
Partners :
MEXPERT – Sweden
AIJU– Spain
Bluebook Srl– Italy
ENGIM Piemonte– Italy
Viesoji Istaiga Panevezio Darbo Rinkos Mokymo Centras-Lithuania
Result :
Teachers Kit
Learners kit
Veritage App