Gardeniser Plus

Project Title: Gardeniser Plus

Project Acronym: Gardeniser Plus

Project Code: 2020-1-FR01-KA204-080198

Start Date:01 October 2020

End Date: 30 November 2022


Project Aim: Gardeniser PLUS is a project that promotes the exchange of good practices for professionals and volunteers who wish to develop their competences and discover existing practices in the reality of urban community gardens in Europe.Gardeniser PLUS, which brings together 7 countries (France, Italy, United Kingdom, Poland, Austria, Sweden, Denmark) is a project for the exchange of good practices that aims, through a series of learning activities, to bring together professionals and volunteers who work in community gardens, whatever their legal form, to allow the transfer of knowledge and innovation. In total, 70 people will benefit from mobility in the 7 countries: 14 trainers and 56 Gardenisers. Gardeniser Plus will seek to maximize the impact of the project in all partner countries, to reach a diversity of profiles, organizations and territories.

Partners: The international consortium of partners is formed by organizations with a large experience in different fields (training, participated processes, urban community gardens, and social farms): Conservatoire des Legumes Anciens du Bearn (France), Pistes-Solidaires (France), Social Farms & Gardens (United Kingdom), REPLAY Network (Italy), MOBILIZING EXPERTISE AB (Sweden), Gartenpolylog – GärtnerInnen der Welt kooperieren (Austria), GMINA MIEJSKA KRAKOW – MIASTO NA PRAWACH POWIATU (Poland), VEJLE KOMMUNE (Denmark).

Results: The project will develop into three main phases: training of trainers on the basis of a pre-existing training format developed within the European projects Gardeniser and Gardeniser Pro; organization of learning activities abroad to allow the exchange of good practices; and local multiplier laboratories. Through the exchange of practices and experiences of professionals and volunteers, the Gardeniser Plus project will allow, following the previous EU’GO, Gardeniser, and Gardeniser Pro projects, to strengthen the skills of its actors, to promote the sustainability of community gardens and to show their potential to various policymakers.