
Project Title :Autobiographical Method for Migrants’ and Minorities’ Inclusion in

Communities they are living In

Project Acronym :Amici

Project Code :2018-1-RO01-KA204-049469

Start Date :Nov. 2018

End Date :Sept 2020

Project web site:

Project Aim :

The project AMICI, “Autobiographical Method for Migrants’ and Minorities’ Inclusion in Communities they are living In”, Erasmus Plus Project – Adult Education, has the main goal to contribute to facilitate a bigger participation of low skilled adults coming from migrants and ethnic minorities groups in education/training programmers, in order to increase their chances on inclusion in society and on the labor market.

Partners :

  • Romania – ASOCIATIA PRO-XPERT – Coordinator
  • Italy – Storie di Mondi Possibili
  • Bulgaria – Balkanska Agenciya za Ustoychivo Razvitie
  • Sweden –Mexpert

Result :

1: Training kit for adult educators “Autobiographical Method for Migrants’ and Minorities’ Inclusion in Communities they are living In” – in English and each partner’s language.

2: A set of 20 case studies (4 from each partner) related to best practices/successful stories in using autobiography in adults’ education.

3: An on-line resource center that will include all training materials and other results of the project.

4: Comparative study on how the autobiographical method worked on 10 different target groups (1 group of migrants and 1 of ethnic minorities from each partner country) – with recommendation and “tips tricks” for future users.

5: The documentary movie “It’s my life” about 20 low-skilled/qualified adults regarding their experience on telling their story through the methods of the project.