Literacy Act : Berlin

In the end of March, our team took part in the training for the Literacy act project in Berlin.


The project is focused on theatre techniques and how to combine them with language learning for non-native people. We met the other 5 partners: Storie di Mondi Possibili (Italy), Sozial Label e.V.(Germany), Medeber Teatro (Belgium), Asinitas Onlus (Italy) and U Learn (Cyprus). Each of the partners proposed on of the workshops they did at the national level so that everyone could see them and experience them. The venue of the meeting was the “Zum Guten Hirten” Church in South-West Berlin and thanks to this special location the workshops gained even more emotive value.

After visiting the city centre with Herman (one of the volunteers of the German partners) we also had the chance to see a theatre play about the story of a few immigrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea.



We are looking forward to hosting everyone in Lund in July!


Useful links:

Our previous video: