SIMPLY INCLUDED – Social inclusion of migrants in vocational education and training

The Corona pandemic has significantly complicated the integration of migrants and refugees into the labor market by interrupting language and training courses and only resuming them in a digital format months later. Migrants and refugees were more affected by these changes than other groups.
Therefore, with our project we want to support migrants and refugees to be successful on the European labor market.
We also want to empower teachers to be able to use digital methods and to feel comfortable and at ease in digital teaching formats. “SIMPLY digitally INCLUDED” is aimed at people with a migration history, refugees and teachers, and existing materials are to be transferred into digital formats.
KulturLife coordinates the project “SIMPLY digitally INCLUDED”.
Current status: After various digital meetings, the first transnational project meeting took place in May 2023 as part of the project in Lund, Sweden. As in the two previous projects, the project consortium worked together in a spirit of trust and we are looking forward to the implementation of the planned podcast. A further meeting took place on 28th September 2023 in Kiel, Germany. The recordings of the podcasts have now been completed and we are finalizing them. At the same time, a digital training event with vocational school teachers from the respective partner countries took place on 15th-16th January, 2024. A great and enriching exchange on the project topic and the challenges in teaching inspired partners and participants alike. On 23rd April 2024, the consortium then hosted a final meeting in Brussels, Belgium, to present the project at international level. The project officially ended on 29th April 2024.