Category: Uncategorized
Overview of Open Café – 27/01/2021
There were 13 participants in total. We had the following countries represented: France, Japan, Turkey, Africa, Afghanistan, and Jamaica. Our topic was about dreams and sleeping. We shared what we thought about dreams, our good and bad as well as our sleeping issues. It was engaging and fun conversation. The most popular dreams were shared…
Internship Blog Post by Deniz Idil Altan
Virtual Open Cafe – 20.01.2021
Our second open café was held on 20th January, 2021. The topic for this meeting was based on culture. We started introducing ourselves and our current residing country as per usual. After the introduction, the host of meeting led the discussion and allowed everyone to participate in it and later played a game on Kahoot.…
First language cafe online – 13.01.2021
The first open cafe in 2021 was announced on the 13th January. On that day, we discussed about travelling and how covid-19 has impacted the way we travel now. Before we started, everyone introduced themselves and their current residing country. After that the host of the meeting started with the discussion. The meeting lasted for…
“I hope to gain experience and build networks both within Sweden and abroad”.
Hi my name is Karen Self and I am 36 years old. I was born in Jamaica but of British citizenship. I came to Sweden over 5 years ago in order to establish a better life for my family and children. I enjoy board games, trivia, reading and baking. My expectation here with Mobilizing Expertise…
Some news from Guirlande, our trainee since September
What’s new at Mobilizing Expertise, Sacha?
International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Today and over the next sixteen days, Mobilizing Expertise is standing for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Until December 10th, the Human Rights Day, we are going to share with you the content provided by the United Nations in order to make you aware of the impact of this societal phenomenon. Emerging data shows…
Lokalt Lund-företag bekämpar våld i Europa
Socialt mobiliserande expertis har tillsammans med kollegor från hela Europa fått finansiering från EU för att genomföra ett projekt för att bekämpa våld i hemmet. Flyg högt mot våld i Europa. FLAVIE-projektet försöker stoppa den allt mer chockerande statistiken. Flavie, är kombinationen av fem partnergrupperna: Tera – Maison de l’Europe de la Charente i Frankrike, Faal Dernegi i Turkiet, ComeUnaMarea Onlus i Italien och Mujeres por Mujeres i Spanien. Genom att arbeta tillsammans för att dela…