Author: charlotte meletli
Welcome Ifreen
It is with great enthusiasm and pleasure that we extend a warm welcome to our newest team member, Ifreen. Ifreen joins us as a volunteer intern, bringing with her a wealth of knowledge and a passion for her studies related to MEXPERT values. As an intern, Ifreen will play a crucial role in supporting our…
Financial Literacy for Youth – Online Meeting
Mobilizing Expertise attended an online meeting, as a comprehensive update on multiplier events (FLY Conferences) across partner countries and final project activities and results. Since we already hosted our ME in Sweden, we shared the insights of the event and feedback of our stakeholders. * You already know that The FLY Playbook (PR2) is now…
NordTourNet – Mexpert’s Tourism and AI Interview
AI in an art gallery? Last year we had the pleasure of reconnecting with Tomas from @obra.lund We sat down for an interview to discuss all things AI, from automatic newsletters to online booking forms! OBRA has recently take a new step in collaboration with Jakobsson Pusterla, the architects behind Studio Bantorget which is located…
FLY Playbook is ready!
The FLY Playbook is now available in 6 languages! đđ Our goal is to bridge the financial literacy gap for young people, providing digital resources. The Playbook is a tailored training program in basic financial education for youth workers, teachers, and educators, while being user-friendly for independent use by young individuals. Explore and download the…
Introducing ARTEIM – Art Education for Social Inclusion of Migrant Women!
Exciting Announcement: Introducing ARTEIM – Art Education for Social Inclusion of Migrant Women! We are thrilled to unveil our new project, ARTEIM, which aims to empower and support a group of phenomenal women through the transformative power of art therapy! Our vision is to create a comprehensive guide that will enable these women to embark…
Looking forward to learning a lot more from everyone here!
Hi, my name is Inez, a 30-year-old Indonesian girl who has lived in Sweden for the last 5 years. I used to work as an architect before I decided to pursue a masterâs degree in Sweden. My study finished in 2019 and the job seeking under that time period was rather difficult. During my time…
“I take part in every step of the gallery’s life”
“Bonjour ! My name is Malika, I’m 29 and I’m from Dunkerque, the northest city of France. I’m here in Lund, Sweden, for a six weeks internship in an art gallery named OBRA. In France, I work in the field of contemporary art as a project manager. My location is a cultural crossed-road between my Region, Great…
A journey beyond my dreams
Hello, my name is Sefa Ăilingir, I am from Turkey, and I live in Ankara. I’m 24 years old. I am an agronomist and am studying to be a veterinarian. I did my undergraduate education at Selcuk University. But I’m not running my own business at the moment, so I decided to slightly change the…
Say Hi To Me
Hi im Yılmaz Can and im 18 years old from Turkey. I was born in Brooklyn NYC but when i was born ı went back to the Turkey/Ankara. This is my first time abroad and im very lucky to be with Mobilising Expertise Being part of Mobilizing Expertise family is so good for me because…
On 17th-18th of November 2022, we met our partners from Finland, Italy, Spain, Germany, and France for another transnational meeting in Lille, France. We discussed the all-over progress of the EQUITY Project and we decided on the deadlines for the testing and the translation of the materials produced for IO3. The EQUITY Erasmus Plus Project…