Author: charlotte meletli

  • ARTEMI Results are live!

    ARTEMI Results are live!

    ARTEMI – Art and Education for social inclusion of migrant women  KA220-ADU-7D59318B Adult Education Erasmus Plus In terms of tangible results, the project has produced: • PR1 – ARTEMI TOOLKIT – This is a guide tool for educational activities based on art therapy for social inclusion through artistic-craft approaches, autobiographical narration techniques and digital storytelling to…

  • The Erasmus interns in Stockholm

    The Erasmus interns in Stockholm

  • Final NordTourNet4 meeting

    Final NordTourNet4 meeting

    We just wrapped up the final NordTourNet4 partners meeting from October 28th to 30th in beautiful Kuldiga, Latvia . This gathering marked the culmination of our efforts to provide adult educators and tourism organisations with methodological materials and training about AI and creativity. A big thank you to all partners for their contributions and to…

  • Digital 4All – 2nd Newsletter

    Digital 4All – 2nd Newsletter

    The LTTA (learning, teaching and training activity) in Berlin. An essential part of the Digital4All project was an LTTA in Berlin. 25 participantsfrom 6 different countries traveled to this event. Parallel to the LTTA, KulturLifecarried out an Erasmus+ mobility for youth workers, with which the LTTA formed a “Combined Training Activity” with a total of…

  • Green Meme project 11th meeting

    Green Meme project 11th meeting

    On October 2nd 2024, the #GreenMemeEffect partnership met in #Aveiro, #Portugal to discuss the current state of the project, and to participate in the final conference. It was a lot of fun and a huge success Many thanks to our partners and an exceptional thanks to our hosts Bio Living. We look forward to the…

  • World Car Free Day

    World Car Free Day

    Happy World Car-Free Day! September 22nd every year marks World Car Free Day. Today, let’s leave our cars at home and choose greener, cleaner ways to get around! Whether it’s walking, biking, taking public transit, or carpooling—every step counts toward a healthier planet. World Car-Free Day is a reminder of the power we have to…

  • International Day of Peace

    International Day of Peace

    21st September marks the International Day of Peace. Today, we come together as a global family to honour #InternationalDayofPeace—a day dedicated to promoting unity, compassion, tolerance, respect and non-violence. In a world where conflict often dominates the headlines, let’s take a moment to reflect on the power of peace. Whether through small acts of kindness,…

  • World Clean Up Day

    World Clean Up Day

    Today is World Clean Up Day which is a part of the UN calendar of international days. This day aims to activate 5 % of the world’s population to be a catalyst for societal change in behaviour regarding how waste is managed. On behalf of our projects #greenmemeeffect, #digital4all #Digital4all #greenmemeeffect #nordtournet4 #nordtournet #ecotourism we…

  • EcoTourism Final Meeting

    EcoTourism Final Meeting

     Final Meeting of the Nature and Digital-Based Education on Ecotourism Project  On the 11th and 12th of September, the partners of the Nature and Digital-Based Education on Ecotourism project gathered in beautiful Finland for our final meeting. While two couldn’t join in person, we were excited to participate online and contribute to the important discussions…

  • Green Meme 10th Online Meeting

    Green Meme 10th Online Meeting

    On the 9th of September 2024, we had our 10th online meeting for the project GREEN MEME EFFECT. For more information about the project, visit the website @ #ErasmusPlus #mobilizingexpertise #youth #europe #Mobilizingexpertise #erasmusplusproject #greenmemeeffect #greenmeme #greenmemes