Author: charlotte meletli
EFIVOS / Vision Compass – Final session
Efivos project Here we are. Last Tuesday was the 8th and final session of Efivos! Elisabeth, our social media expert, joined the team of trainers for this stage to explain the management of social networks, the last important step to spread the message of Vision Compass ” #mypen_ismycompass “ Website: Now the young Vision…
Ethnicraft – Online training
Ethnicraft is an Erasmus+ project that at promoting up-skilling and re-skilling of adult migrants (18 to 35 years) facing social exclusion with basic craftsmanship skills in EU countries through an innovative educational format integrating transversal and entrepreneurial skills and an e-commerce platform to sell their traditional hand-crafted ethnic products. The Eurostat (2015) explains, how the…
Simply Included – the videos are online, let’s watch the Germany’s one!
We are very pleased to announce the completion of our videos! This is the result of a strong collaboration between KulturLife 🇩🇪, ELAZIG MESLEKI ve TEKNIK ANADOLU LISESI🇹🇷, Grm Novo mesto – center biotehnike in turizma 🇸🇮, HETEL – Heziketa Teknikoko Elkartea 🇪🇸 and Mobilizing Expertise 🇸🇪 Thanks to this teamwork we have been able to produce these videos and animations to…
Efivos / Vision Compass – 7th session
⚡️The 7th session, the penultimate one, took place yesterday and was led by Memouna! Our young participants got some strong bases about how to create a website through WordPress: selecting elements for the home page, adding titles, posting blogpost,… The last workshop will be about dissemination: how to spread their original content through…
Online Open Cafe – 21/04/2021
Yesterday´s open café started at the usual time, and this time the conversation was an open one. The topics discussed consist of language, animals, fasting and teaching qualifications in different countries and was very educative, insightful, and entertaining. Somewhat, the team decided to talk about social media privacy regulations but changed the topic due to…
Online Open Cafe – 14/04/2021
Last Wednesday, we welcomed again participants from all over the world (France, Turkey, Portugal, Japan etc). We opened this session of Online Open Cafe by playing a Kahoot game, with questions related to Astronomy. It was the perfect introduction to discuss about a future life in space, and how this would turn out in practice…
Alyssia’s blogpost
Anthony’s blogpost
Online Open Cafe – 08/04/2021
Thanks to all our participants from Turkey, Portugal, Japan, France and Sweden. We first played a stimulating game of Kahoots with questions on astrology and football. We then discussed each astrological sign characteristics and discussed whether we believed in astrology or not, which then led us to discussing various superstations within our cultures. This then…
Elisabeth from France