Category: Uncategorized

  • SITID: Open Cafe – History

    Let’s take a look back at the past As part of the OPEN CAFE, on 21st May MEXPERT hosted an open cafe on “Why young adults are unlikely to engage with history” Is it a lack of effective education in history? An unwillingness to learn more about the places that shaped their national identity? The…



    A new activity has come to MEXPERT! OPEN Cafe is an activity created as an output for the Social Integration Through Informal Dialogue project and funded by Erasmus Plus. On 14th May, MEXPERT hosted is first Open Cafe on the subject of Sports, in Örkelljunga. The Open Cafe was organised by MEXPERT volunteers and staff.…

  • Immijobs First Meeting in Athens

    Immijobs First Meeting in Athens

    We start our new project which is Immijobs. It is our first AMIF project. AMIF means asylum, migration and integration fund. We are happy to start new opportunity develop training for intermediary organization which take care of immigrant to find job. In this project Mobilizing Expertise is together with Helsingborg AME and this collaboration helps…