Category: storydec

  • StoryDec project launches the archive with stories:

    StoryDec project launches the archive with stories:

    Mobilizing Expertise is part of the project which is related with autobiographical methodologies. All stories are collected and contunie to keep in the archive which is StoryAp StoryAP is… StoryAP is a free portal for sharing individual or collective stories, concerning social and personal change, linked to the desire and the concrete utopia of a…

  • StoryDec Project

    StoryDec Project

    The Storytelling to Develop Civic Competences in Young People, Erasmus Plus – Strategic Partnership – Youth Project started on 5-6 April 2019 The StoryDec project aims to create innovative paths of civic education through non-formal education paths based on autobiographical and digital storytelling methodologies. Organizations: CEMEA – ITALY (coordinator) STOP – Stowarzyszenie Trenerow Organizacji Pozarzadowych…