Category: KA2 Erasmus Plus
6th Newsletter for Art urban project
E-Women Local Training in Ankara
Between 21st-25th July, representatives from Mobilizing Expertise participated in the E- Women local training activity in Ankara. In partnership with Faal Dernegi, local youth workers and volunteers experienced workshops created by each of the organisations that makes up the E- Women project. Participants were informed of the project, our processes, timeline and project journey. They…
Press Release on CSR after Kick off Meeting
Launching of the Erasmus Plus Strategic Partnership Project “CSR and Ethics in Training Centers for benefit of all” Formethic, based in Toulouse, France, in partnership with nine organizations from eight countries throughout Europe, are implementing the Erasmus Plus Strategic Partnership Project “CSR and Ethics in Training Centers for benefit of all”. The project is…
Launching of the Erasmus Plus Strategic Partnership Project “CSR and Ethics in Training Centers for benefit of all”
Mobilizing Expertise, in partnership with nine organizations from eight countries throughout Europe, are implementing the Erasmus Plus Strategic Partnership Project “CSR and Ethics in Training Centers for benefit of all”. The project is funded through the Erasmus Plus programme of the European Union, key action 2, the budget line dedicated to the adult education. CSR…
AMPLIFY Third training in Wrozlaw Polan
Between 11-15 December 2019 Mobilizing Expertise was Participating in the AMPLIFY training course in Wrozlaw Poland
Word of Emotion project starts
AMPLIFY second meeting in Magenta Italy
Between 7th and 8th of December 2019, representatives of each partner met in Magenta, Italy to discuss about how the project has been going so far and what needs to be done next.