Author: charlotte meletli
It’s a wrap everybody Read the article below and learn more about the 5-days Joint Staff Training Event, implemented under the framework of Erasmus plus, KA2 Future Target project! Thanks for our host and leading partner for arranging an intensive and proactive online training. The first day included presentations of the local-national reality on the situation of…
Merry Christmas from MEXPERT
Its been a long and hard year, full of ups and downs! MEXPERT would like to thank all of our clients, partners, volunteers, interns and staff who have worked with us in 2020! During 2020, we have continued to work towards our mission of valuing people’s knowledge. We believe in people and that knowledge should…
A perspective on corporate social responsibility
With this ongoing pandemic, responsibility is the theme in the news. This global issue underlines the rationalisation of our habits as well as our manner to consume and points out the effect of our economic activities on the planet as well on the social ecosystem. Since more than ten years the idea of responsibility for…
Mumpreneuring in MEXPERT
We interviewed Charlotte, co-founder of MEXPERT as she shares her Mummy/Entrepreneur perspective. Why did you choose to be a mum and an entrepreneur? It never felt like a choice for me. You could say I was already an entrepreneur and I then had to handle my new role as a mum. I know it might…
Some news from Guirlande, our trainee since September
My Soft City: Launching
Mobilizing Expertise is happy to announce we are partner in a new project “My Soft City”. The project facilitates the development of innovative tools in youth work such as the “Dérive City Cards” (a set of flash-cards with illustrated places and buildings from the partner cities, one set of cards per city) which will serve…