Month: August 2023

  • Last day in Bucharest for FLY’s LTTA

    Last day in Bucharest for FLY’s LTTA

    We finally talked about modules 8 and 9 from the FLY Playbook, which is one of the outcomes from the FLY (Financial Literacy for Youth) Project during the last day of LTTA (Learning, Teaching, Training Activity) that was happening in Bucharest, Romania. Not only reviewing our outputs, we also had a chance to meet representatives…

  • Day 4 in the LTTA

    Day 4 in the LTTA

    We got to learn about the importance of having insurance and personal finance knowledge in order to fulfill overall financial well-being by joining the fourth day of the FLY (Financial Literacy for Youth) Project’s LTTA (Learning, Teaching, Training Activity) in Bucharest, Romania. FLY Project aims to improve financial literacy for youth. The outputs of this…

  • Day 3 in the LTTA for FLY

    Day 3 in the LTTA for FLY

    On the third day of the FLY (Financial Literacy for Youth) Project’s LTTA (Learning, Teaching, Training Activity), we had in-depth discussions regarding saving and investing, as well as loans and debt risk management. FLY Project aims to improve financial literacy for youth. The outputs of this project will include nine FLY Playbook modules and FLY…

  • Day 2 in Bucharest

    Day 2 in Bucharest

    On the second day of a five-day training in Bucharest, Romania, with the FLY (Financial Literacy for Youth) Project, we tested some activities that are included in Module 3 and Module 4 of the Playbook. For a more optimized output, we had a discussion with professionals as well. FLY Project aims to improve financial literacy…